Environmental Assessments

Independent Property Inspection Services performs Transactional Environmental Screenings (TES) in accordance with ASTM E-1528-14 Standard Practice for Limited Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process.  This process is for those who wish to conduct a limited environmental due diligence.  This is less than a Phase 1 and does not qualify as an environmental assessment under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.  The Transactional Environmental Screen should not be used with known current or historic properties handling hazardous substances or petroleum products.   The goal of a transactional screen is to identify potential environmental concerns as defined in 3.2.35.  Please download the standard and review.   Please call for a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment or Transactional Environmental Screen or other information.

Note: The availability of environmental services is contingent upon availability of third party associated services.  The below standards may not be the current standards as changes are regularly occurring.

ASTM Standard Practice for Real Estate Information – ASTM Standard Practice Real Estate Environmental Information

ASTM E-1527-13 Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1 Guidelines – ASTM E1527-13-ESA Phase I

ASTM E-1528-14 ESA Transactional Environmental Screening Guidelines – ASTM E1528-14-ESA-TES